Category Archives: Documents

Statement from Heather Gray

Dear PNB Board members: 

I am eternally grateful to the Pacifica Foundation for its long and important role in providing a voice for independent news and community voices from its five stations and for offering programs for the 180+ affiliates and the shared relationship between the affiliates and the Pacifica Foundation. All of this strengthens community voices throughout the country.

As a board member of the PNB, I am also thankful for the experience of learning more about the role and responsibilities of a board member whether with Pacifica or any other board. This is thanks to the instruction I received from Holman HR. But first, some background.

When I came to the Pacifica board I was alarmed at the significant number of lawsuits against the Foundation. As Executive Director at the time, Arlene Engelhardt, was needing to spend much of her time dealing with these lawsuits in court and at virtually every PNB meeting there was a discussion with attorneys with updates on various lawsuits. This was astounding to me and I wondered why so many lawsuits and began making inquiries of all sorts.

I began to realize that two of the critical factors here were (1) contracts that had not been properly created and also (2) there has not been enough human resource training for staff and board on employee relations and employment law. Continue reading Statement from Heather Gray

Frank Sterling’s Passionate Email Plea That Saved The Block The Boat Broadcast

From: frank sterling <>
Date: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:40 PM
Subject: Live broadcast from the port CANCELED by management I guess it was never on. .
To: xxxxxxxx
Cc: Quincy McCoy

I guess it was never on mistake..

Hello everyone, I’m writing this email feeling quite dejected. My hopes were up I will admit yes. I think I’m mistaken about what kpfa is and my thoughts of what it can be. My hopes were to help make the Block the Boat demonstration as big as kpfa could, and be there to broadcast. But my hopes are dashed. Instead of a two hour in depth broadcast with interviews with activists port workers Palestinian youth organizers etcetera etcetera.. Quincy has recommended that we call in a couple times an hour with two or three minute updates…

Continue reading Frank Sterling’s Passionate Email Plea That Saved The Block The Boat Broadcast

Wilson Riles Jr On Calling The Police To KPFA

Friends and Media Contacts,

Copied below and attached is the last of ten columns that I have written
on the anti-crime policies of Oakland mayoral candidates. I hope that you
find it of value. Please forward it to anyone that you think might be

Can a mayor stop crime?

Dan Siegel

Campaigns are viewed, unfortunately, as “horse races.” The candidates are the horses and at various points in the election their racing capacity is compared, almost always in snap-shot slices. Financial resources are compared, as is the hiring of “successful” trainers and managers; compared next is the candidate’s volunteer resources. Often the “surprise” is some communications technology better used by one-side to reach a VOTING audience. The race is “called” prior to balloting by the exposure of a snap-shot popularity poll. Last and most importantly the candidate’s ability to “turnout” his/her vote is measured. Much too infrequently are candidates’ leadership skills, knowledge of the workings of the City, depth of commitment to the betterment of Oakland, or even a measurement of the thoroughness of their policy formulations adequately tested and compared. Continue reading Wilson Riles Jr On Calling The Police To KPFA

National Lawyers Guild Letter to KPFA On The Morning Mix


The recent removal of the Morning Mix radio program from the 8:00 AM time slot on KPFA has raised some concern at the San Francisco chapter of the National Lawyers Guild (“Guild”). We write this letter because KPFA and its free speech mission, are important to the Guild and to many activists that either work with, or are represented by, Guild members. Continue reading National Lawyers Guild Letter to KPFA On The Morning Mix

Author Michael Parenti Writes in Support of the Morning Mix

I believe it is of the utmost importance to keep the Morning Mix at its morning drive time  in order to give it the largest possible audience. It deserves such a slot.  Unlike the dreary and conservative content of the KPFA news department, Morning Mix has explored challenging and enlightening issues on a regular basis and with much skill and dedication. I have an especially high opinion of Micky Huff and Peter Phillips of Project Censored. It seems recently there has been a lot of conservative ideology, rather than perceptive criticism, determining who gets exposure and who does not. Continue reading Author Michael Parenti Writes in Support of the Morning Mix

Think Globally, Report Locally

From the San Francisco Green Party to KPFA General Manager Quincy McCoy, KPFA Staff, and the KPFA Local Station Board:

The San Francisco Green Party joins the San Francisco Labor Council, the Gray Panthers, ILWU Local 10, East Bay Veterans for Peace, Sonoma County Veterans for Peace, ILWU Local 10, the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, the Richmond Progressive Alliance, and the Golden Gate Letter Carriers in calling for restoration of the KPFA Morning Mix to its 8 am weekday hour. “Think globally, act locally” is as relevant today as it was in 1915, when Scots biologist, sociologist, and town planner Patrick Geddes wrote Cities in Evolution.  “We need locally produced, locally relevant programming to help us make specific connections between our daily lives and politics and those of the international community and the planet.” Continue reading Think Globally, Report Locally

KPFA News Reporter Ann Garrison: “iGM Richard Pirodsky’s parting lecture addressed to the entire LSB, UCR and Save KPFA”

by Ann Garrison

There have been claims in various online forums, that departing iGM Richard Pirodsky’s farewell lecture to the KPFA Local Station Board was directed only at United for Community Radio (UCR), not at our station board’s other faction, Save KPFA. Continue reading KPFA News Reporter Ann Garrison: “iGM Richard Pirodsky’s parting lecture addressed to the entire LSB, UCR and Save KPFA”