Petition To Restore Something’s Happening



Restore “Something’s Happening” Hours

Hosted by Roy Tuckman


We the signatories, are petitioning KPFK’s General Manager Leslie Radford, Interim Program Director Alan Minsky and the Local Station Board to fully restore “Something’s Happening” show hours hosted by Roy Tuckman.

The station has received many complaints and distressing calls and emails from its listeners and subscribers expressing their dissatisfaction about recent cuts to the show.

The show was originally broadcast from midnight to 6:00am Monday nights/Tuesday mornings through Thursday nights/Friday mornings but since January 11th, only from 3-6 am.  The show had the highest share from midnight to 1:00am , which is the percentage of radio listeners who are listening to the station. Roy’s program was the only post-midnight show in the entire 5-station Pacifica Network to raise a significant amount of support during fund drives , which no other Pacifica station has been able to do until this  day.

Roy Tuckman has been working on staff at KPFK for 44 years after volunteering for the previous 10 years. He has been a paid programmer for 39 years. He is a staunch supporter of democratic media at KPFK. The station had no all-night weeknight programmer for the first 18 years of broadcasting until Roy was asked to try out the position in 1977.

Roy’s prize-winning show exemplified the spirit of the Pacifica mission and should be fully restored.


King Reilly M.D. KPFK listener and subscriber

Please sign the petition here to tell the KPFK GM and IPD to restore Something’s Happening’s show hours.


27 thoughts on “Petition To Restore Something’s Happening”

  1. Some of my most fond Pacifica listening experiences has been
    of Roy of Hollywood’s “Somethings Happening” show. Became
    a listener, and supporter of Pacifica Radio back in 1980 when
    I lived in Portland, OR. By far one of my favorite shows was,
    and is, “Somethings Happening”. Now I live in LA, listen to
    KPFK on a regular basis… and love Roy, his show is some of
    the best of what Pacifica has to offer, as far as I’m concerned.
    To hear Pacifica is planning on cutting his show’s hours makes
    me loss faith in Pacifica. It anything, we need more of Roy, not less!

    1. Restore Roy of Hollywood or like some others have said, put his time slot to begin at 12:00 midnight. I like the old-radio shows on the first monday of the month, Gary Null (I know he’s no longer there) and the other regular contributor who always gave his “numbered” reports.
      I did heard the current show last night and though I had the wrong station and then I though I hear the f -word and then heard it again. I thought when then this become allowable. I think the topic on the contributions of Jay-Z and Nas would be an interesting listen. Again, I thought I was listening to another station. I had to turn it off. Although it might be common speak for some, sometimes it’s just not necessary.
      Please restore Roy of Hollywood’s time slot back to 12 midnight.

  2. Began listening in early 1977 and now listen online. I contribute during Roy’s programming. Bring back the wonderful variety allowed by the full 6 hour program. Thank you for your consideration.

  3. I’ve been listening to Roy for several DECADES..and been supporting KPFK for over 40 years.

    Please restore Something’s Happening to the full six hours.

    And I’ve heard that the Spanish language programming weeknights does not pay for itself in fundraising, so consider cutting that programming back if that’s the case, since you ARE listener supported!

    Robert Berend

  4. First it was Gary Null. Now its Roy. Give into the Maddness Roy

    Go to Progressive radio, Roy. I have no reason to listen to KPFK.

    My monthly contribution ends today.

  5. It’s difficult to fathom the Pacifica Radio’s decision to reduce the length of Roy’s show. Roy has been ever faithful in his commitment to providing quality programming. He has not let the dramas of the last decade that threaten his position stand in the way of his work and his audience.
    People like Roy are assets. A great many people genuinely benefit from his program. I know I do.
    Directors of Pacifica Radio have alienated audiences and lost support by poor decision making such this.
    Please give Roy his full 6 hour time slot. Anything less is a dishonor to someone who has given so much for the cause of improving our community and a disservice to the station’s listeners.
    Thank you

  6. seems as if all the snarky comments about one of the slates and rude opinions of management caught up with Roy….there could be a compromise as suggested by a previous commenter which would be to have Somethings Happening on from midnight to three and then the shock wave stuff on at three …there is hope that with more experience, the hosts will hone their interviewing skills rtc. and get tired of using the dirty words so prolifically…there was some good , up to date, pertinent content…..

  7. Certain things make sense. One of them is Roy of Hollywood. Please restore this iconic host’s show to the full six hour time slot. His knowledge of programing is constantly informing and enlightening me.

  8. I am missing Roy and Alan Watts and so much more! I have listened to KPFK for almost thirty years and have contributed more money to this station than to any other organization. Roy’s programming has shaped and supported me in difficult times. Please bring back Roy’s full show – we need it!!

  9. I sent a full blown and thorough endorsement of Roy, as a listener since the show”s inception, and after getting a copy from King Reilly of “data received”, it was deleted by an unknown party, parties, from my inbox! This has happened several times since I started writing at. OpEdNes, but not for a few years. Obvious example of virtual house arrest.

    Peace and Roy(al) Restoration

    1. (ERRATUM: that should read, where I have posted some years back, under the pen name of Muservin. Some of that activity, starting in 2004, led to interviews on WGDR in Vermont, a Pacifica affiliate that carries Democracy Now and other shows, out of Goddard College in Plainfield.)

    2. How can we contact the bosses/direct supervisors of these people in charge who changed the programming to voice our concerns?

  10. Is there a Petition to Restore KPFK to its better self by actually implementing the vote results, and yanking out the bully, threatening if not armed, disrespectful, arrogant, inaccurate, foul mouthed for the sake of being foul mouthed ones took over just as those who took over theWildlife Refuge in Oregon? Who is in charge? Leslie and Adam? Since when and for how much longer?

  11. Thanks to your decision to pull Roy of Hollywood from the midnight shift, I will no longer support KPFK. This, after spending a good bit of time parsing out your board election resumes. The only reason I did this was to support Roy’s legacy.

    I’ve listened to what is on offer from midnight to 3 a.m. and request that you put these new shows in the 3-6 a.m. slot, since Roy has a legacy of quality programming that has featured visionaries, world changers and people at the forefront of what’s coming next. And all of these people, at the very top of their game, respect and admire Roy for his taste and service over the four decades he’s been on the air. These new shows are such a poor substitute: a pale attempt at what Roy has authentically been doing for decades through his comprehensive, bone-deep programming. His show was/is a welcome relief from the idol worship of twenty somethings that permeates this town. So, so disappointed. Don’t you understand? The kids you’re trying to reach are on their phones. They don’t tune in to public radio. If they did, they’d find excellent health, wellness, spiritual and ass-kicking wisdom from the menu Roy has put together. I teach this age “demographic” and they would consider the shows you’ve chosen to replace Roy’s show with total a joke.

  12. Dr. Reilly concludes his thoughtful petition message: “Roy’s prize-winning show exemplified the spirit of the Pacifica mission and should be fully restored.” I second this expression wholeheartedly, including the implication that the amputation of Roy’s show denatures it and that in its rump form, the show has been effectively ended (and therefore must sadly be spoken-of in the past tense).

    Failure to reinstate “Something’s Happening” to its overnight hours would greatly diminish KPFK and Pacifica. Alas, that appears to the objective of the rogue narcissists who made this terribly unfortunate grab for the air-time of someone who many of us consider a local and even national treasure. A petition or brief comment thereon isn’t the place to extol Roy’s unique blend of long-form humanistic programming but is the place to emphasize again (as the petition alludes) that Roy “made a silk purse out of a sow’s ear”: attracting a listenership for Pacifica content during overnight hours that had previously not been a platform for any meaningful fund-raising whatsoever.

    As to the tiny handful of chiliastic ideologues who dealt this sucker-punch to the KPFK and Pacifica community (after being installed by a lame-duck Pacifica national management team that has since been decisively repudiated electorally by the membership), Abe Lincoln’s adage pertains here (and is equally applicable to both genders): “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

    Eric C. Jacobson
    Public Interest Lawyer

  13. Please restore “Somethings Happening” I and many others depend on the full program and have for many years. We need KPFK for the _entire_ community, not the loudest thereof.

  14. 12AM-6AM: Something Was Happening-Every Single Gorgeous Night. With Roy of Hollywood, there was an ENTIRE community of Listeners or Followers and there WERE no lonely nights. Please restore our Nightime Community Radio by bringing back Roy of Hollywood all night!!!! Thank You!!!!

  15. I have listened to Roy for all of the 15 years I’ve known KPFK and, as a confirmed nightowl, I want him back for the entirety of Somethings’ Happening. Having to stay up until 3 a. m. sometimes works for me but sometimes not ! ! !

    1. “RELY” is the totally correct choice of words. I have listened to Roy since he began, my first year back from my Grand Tour and four years expatriation in France, thinking I might give LA another go. Roy and his show have been boon companions ever since. His show has been foundational to what knowledge I have of deep politics, from Bill Pepper to Alfred McCoy, and the revelatory film PSYWAR, Roy has been my portal leading to many years of study. It’s just south of the ghost town called Ridiculous to truncate his show, especially to later hours, but not unexpected in a culture working feverishly to turn the whole planet into a ghost town.

      Restore Roy(ally) and fully, for all our sakes.

      ~John Ervin

  16. Please return Roy of Hollywood and Something’s Happening to the Midnight to 6:00AM Monday – Thursday (Tuesday Am – Friday AM) schedule.

    Nothing short of that will do. Do this for the sake of the listeners… like me. My account includes hundreds of volunteer hours. Dozens of PC’s fixed. Programs restored from dead air.

    Please expedite.
    Thank you.

    Sincerely, Wayne E.

    1. How many years now has Roy been on the air and now to listen you have to wake up at 3:30 am ? Who’s moronic idea was that put Roy back on at midnight !

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