SAG-AFTRA: KPFK Staff Reductions Never Negotiated With Union

The bargaining unit for KPFK’s SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild / American Federation of Radio and Television Artists) affiliated employees notifies members that the schedule reductions and layoffs announced by GM Radford on Monday at a staff meeting and later that evening on the radio station during a Report to the Listener, were not negotiated with nor agreed to by the labor union that represents the workers.

From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 4:48 PM
Subject: From SAG-AFTRA In regards to yesterday’s announcement by KPFK GM

I am sorry that I could not be present at yesterday’s  staff meeting. I want to reiterate that SAG-AFTRA  has not agreed to or negotiated any reduction in the workforce.

It is my understanding that management provided all of you with customized letters in regards to  working hour reductions.

We will be filing a grievance on a timely fashion.

We will be scheduling a KPFK unit meeting next week. Will let you know as soon as I have an available date.

3 thoughts on “SAG-AFTRA: KPFK Staff Reductions Never Negotiated With Union”

  1. Has it occurred to anyone – anyone – that Pacifica is an enterprise in prolonged systemic collapse now nearing its death?

    Or is that impossible to imagine?

    It’s been infinitely clear in its gathering momentum of collapse at all levels for literally decades.


    Yet, suddenly, there’s shock.

    Fools, knaves, shallow egotists and self-imagined ‘revolutionaries’… what end did anyone expect, really?


    1. Dear Indigopirate:

      It’s not a shock. This is a documentation of how it’s going down and who’s doing it. This is a follow the money story. It is a huge betrayal of the public trust for the personal benefit of a very few.

  2. Ian Masters wrote 2 letters, placed on website last week. Today Aug 19 Sonali Kohatkar spent 13 minutes in her 1 hr morning program mentioning that paid programmers who do 5x week shows could not live on 1/2 salary.

    But instead of asking listeners to contact the station, or management, or even the LSB [on website lists emails too ], to protest or discuss this issue – no, she merely kept asking listeners to call, pay and Donate more $$$.

    Nothing more active or helpful – nothing active or political or useful, other than to just give KPFK More More More $$$…only. As if nothing else is needed. What is this ?

    That plea may be a very limited and inadequate plan. And her use of the reductions of staff time & salaries sounds like a ‘poor us’ way to plead with some actual substance of what is happening in Pacifica stations, while excluding all that is left still unrevealed and un-transparent to pledge payers, as before and still now.

    The sudden changes to staff salaries has produced this bit of on-air and on-line cries – from fear of their own personal losses and future dismissals – instead of caring about fixing the Pacifica systems, or sharing important updated information about how the KPFK, and even KPFA, station’s financial mis-managed situations – how these have occurred and apparently are still are happening.

    Only here,on this website, with thanks to Tracy’s excellent reporting – the sharing openly the bits and pieces of what IS occurring to Our radio Stations – do any of the payors and devoted listeners learn of the shenanigans, ploys, lapses, tricks, et al. — that may finally cause the ultimate buy-outs, privatization or usurpation of the radio systems we have been contributing to for so long.

    Even Ian’s words of “Save KPFK” landed on an old biased site – that has almost no info any other updates of the failing stations and who may be doing what, or not.

    – – – – —
    for more info and rants and thoughts – and some transcribed words from Sonali, or Ian’s letters also are on

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