Listen here. 29 minutes. 

Originally posted March 31, 2014
Berkeley – Executive Director Summer Reese has a Monday morning telephone conference with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s Inspector General where she will be discussing the current state of Pacifica with the agency, which is holding over a million dollars in community service grants from 2013. Another 3/4 million in 2014 grants is on the line, endangered by the inability of auditor Armanino McKenna to go forward with an audit of the foundation’s books on March 27th.
Continue reading Snoop Camera and a Discussion with the CPB Inspector General
This audio clip contains an outburst by national board member Manijeh Saba – a listener representative from WBAI-FM – at the conclusion of the open session of the last board meeting. Her strong statement was removed from the audio archive of the meeting, but we have a copy here.
(It begins at about 2 minutes into the recording. The recording has all the discussion after the board vice-chair unilaterally declared the meeting “adjourned” without a vote).
This conversation happened on KPFK, March 27, 2014 at 2 am.
Listen here. It’s almost 2 hours. Listener questions start at the hour mark.
I want to correct those who keep saying (incorrectly) that Summer Reese broke a tie on whether to renew Arlene’s [Englehardt, the previous executive director of Pacifica] contract. I’ll also state that I voted against the motion to not renew Arlene’s contract. I wanted to give Arlene more time to cut expenses and increase listenership and membership to try to get Pacifica better stabilized, and was willing to extend her contract. But the majority voted not to renew it. Summer also did not vote on the motion to make her iED (also back in 2012).
Continue reading Bill Crosier #4: PNB Misinformation & Talking about Substance
Originally posted March 24, 2014
Berkeley-A bar complaint has been filed in Pennsylvania against the vice chair of the Pacifica National Board, Tony Norman. Norman, a listener representative from the DC station, WPFW, has been criticized by some for not disclosing when he ran for the board that he was an elected commissioner in Washington DC. The bar complaint, filed in Pennsylvania as Norman is a member of the PA bar, relates to legal papers prepared by Norman on behalf of WPFW-FM’s former manager John Hughes. The WPFW local board has been wracked with conflict caused largely by extensive program changes implemented by Hughes. Eventually members of the local station board sued each other individually and Pacifica as well. Legal filings prepared by Norman on behalf of Hughes were filed without representation (or malpractice insurance) in the DC case, potentially exposing Pacifica to liability. Continue reading A Money Grab and Lots of Trouble with Lawyers
Originally posted March 26, 2014
Berkeley-The audit, an annual right of passage for most large nonprofits and a requirement for ongoing public broadcasting grant funding, has been delayed by Pacifica’s auditor due to the chaos created by the Board of Director’s power struggle with the Executive Director. Armanino Mckenna, one of the nation’s largest auditing firms, pushed back the start date on Pacifica’s audit, already somewhat late, from the planned start date of Thursday March 27th due to the inability or unwillingness of member station KPFA to provide print or electronic copies of their reconciled accounting records. Continue reading Audit Delayed, LA Staff Attempt To Remove KPFK PNB Staff Representative
Originally posted March 24, 2014
Berkeley-Today’s resumption of what passes for the work week at Pacifica Radio was chaotic. Here’s our best summary of what ensued.
A link to the request for an investigation filed at the CA Attorney General by 8 former National Board members on March 23rd can be found here.
Despite a March 20th Board of Directors vote to re-hire recently-resigned KPFK general manager Bernard Duncan into the interim executive director slot, alleged board chair Margy Wilkinson sent out this email today to network staffers: Continue reading Margy Wilkinson names herself acting executive director. Board member attempts illegal seizure of network bank accounts
Originally posted March 20, 2014
Berkeley–8 Former Pacifica National Board members from all 5 of the licensed station’s signal areas across the country have filed a complaint with the California Attorney General today. The board members request the AG’s assistance in investigating the chaotic board takeover of network, help to assure the integrity of the charity and to prevent further reckless actions by the board to destabilize the organization and/or cause the nation’s first public radio network to collapse. The non-confidential part of the complaint can be found here. Continue reading Former Board Members File Complaint With CA Attorney General
Originally posted March 20, 2014
Berkeley – The resistance to the attempt to fire executive director Summer Reese by a newly-elected board of directors despite her binding employment contract has entered it’s second week with no signs of slowing down. This morning, support volunteers were turned away due to a lack of space in the teensy office to accommodate them all.
A statement in opposition to the board’s hasty and reckless actions can be found here and is gathering signatures from KPFA’s board members and listeners. Continue reading Occupation At Pacifica Enters 5th Day, More Board Irregularities Come To Light