California Attorney General To Audit Pacifica

From Richard Uzzell, Pacifica Board of Directors, KPFT Listener Rep. Announced publicly on December 23, 2014

The Pacifica Board of Directors was informed today by IED, Margy Wilkinson of a December 17, 2014 letter (sent almost a week earlier) from California Deputy Attorney General, Julianne Mossler, “for Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General.”  This was the first that the Board (as a whole) was informed of this letter the California Attorney General and the action it is taking toward the Pacifica Foundation Radio.



There is some question about “confidentiality” of the actual letter, so at this point I will just give the public a general idea of what the Deputy Attorney General, Mossler had to say in the letter.

Mossler began by informing Pacifica that “the Office of the Attorney General has the duty to supervise charitable organizations under California Corporate Code section 5250, and Government Code section 12580 through 12599.8.”  She goes on to say “One of the ways the Office performs this duty is by conducting audits of charitable organizations.”  Then she informs that “We (the California Attorney General’s Office) have selected Pacifica Foundation Radio (PFR) for a correspondence audit.”

DAG Mossler listed an extremely comprehensive list of some 23 items, many involving multiple documents; that she is requiring Pacifica to send to her Office.  She went on to direct that Pacifica “send the requested documentation and information to me (Mossler) within 30 days of the date of this letter (January 16, 2015). In defining the scope of the requested documents, Mossler specifies that “unless other wise stated,documents and information produced in response to these request are to cover the period from January 1, 2010 to the date of the response.”

As this week-old letter was sent to the Board today, there was no comment from IED Wilkinson as to what steps were being taken by management and/or planned to comply with the very serious investigation.

Richard Uzzell, Pacifica Director, KPFT-Houston







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