The state of KPFK’s finances gets curiouser and curiouser.
This morning, KPFK GM Leslie Radford emailed that the $134,000 bequest from the Rosen Estate to KPFK, which she announced to both KPFK’s finance committee and local station board, does not exist.
Update September 8th: The bequest check was for $21,000 dollars. Received July 31st. Deposited August 13th. There is no explanation for why KPFK general manager Leslie Radford ran around for two weeks after the check was deposited declaring it was for $134,000.
Documentation Below:
Radford email:
Begin forwarded message:
From: Leslie Radford
Date: September 3, 2015 at 06:04:29 GMT+2
To: Efren
Cc: Lydia Brazon , Raul Salvador John Proffitt
Subject: Re: Not Yet Deposited (?) $134,000.00 Bequest Received on August 11
This was a huge and mistaken misreading on my part. KPFK received a little over $20k of a $134K estate. I apologize for getting everyone’s hopes up.
Radford written report to KPFK Local Station Board Finance Committee dated August 16, 2015
Report to the Finance Committee 8/14/2015
Other Receivables:
We received a $134,000 bequest from the Rosen estate for administrative costs and taxes. I recommended to the National Office that $38,000 go to the N.O., $52,500 repay the KPFA loan, $20,000 to pay off 90+day outstanding vendors, and the remainder go to operating costs, pending consultation with Material World. We need to complete the calculations for the pending seniority pay to include that in the discussion about the disposition of the bequest.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Radford
General Manager, KPFK 90.7
Report to the Finance Committee 8-16-15
Sound clip of Radford announcing the bequest at KPFA’s Local Station Board Meeting on August 19th.
Another soundclip of Radford confirming the amount and arrival date of the $134,000 bequest on August 18, 2015.
Fortunately, in the age of the net, Pacifica is simply no longer needed.
It’s been crumbling for many years, let it crumble to nothingness – it will be no loss, it may prove in a sense a boon.
Those who need to speak, to play, to perform, to inspire, have a multitude of other means, and other forms.
They will be heard.
Exactly. Let Pacifica die already. It’s not right to continue to ask for donations on a business that is sinking.
What a complete fuck up of an organization. Who do they hire to run their stations? 5 year olds? You cannot run a multi-million operation as a collective. You run as a business, but when you’re business is filled with burnt out hippies who think you can pay the electric bill with really good programming (that you’re not going to hear anywhere else (God, such a lame tag line), your business will fail. Pacifica had a good run. It needs to close its doors and let some other non-profit show them how to run a business. Bye Pacifica.